I love that you weaved in Pirates of the Caribbean about a post about living well. It's a favorite POTC quote, second only to "but why is the rum gone?" That reminder that so much is not within our control is a good one. I'd wager we have less control over our health than we think.

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I laughed out loud at the Buddhist reference as it is so true. Impossible to live by that many principles. Four is manageable and so is the idea that we do our best and things still happen that we have to make our peace with. And, happily, I read somewhere that just 3,000-4,000 steps lowers your risk of heart disease and death and now I win steps every day!

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Thank you, Christine. So true about Budhism, isn't it? And I'm glad you found your sweet spot with steps. Sometimes the advice can be overwhelming.

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I am a list kind of person so I love this post! You are right Julia, it is so easy to dismiss what seems 'easy' or simple, to think it doesn't hold value when that is the furthest thing from the truth. I have worked with people's bodies for decades as a chiropractor and, even after all that time, I find myself surprised how many folks don't actually live IN their body so I appreciated the first tip!

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That's certainly the truth, Donna. I'm always surprised too. When I start to fathom how many people don't live in their bodies, it makes me sad. I always wonder if this is a modern thing or if it's always been this way. It doesn't really matter except to understand if this is the human condition. Of course, it's easy to blame our screens and busy way of life but I think the real issue is more complex.

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